When do we disclose your personal information?
We use reasonable precautions to make sure your information stays safe and secure. Only authorised personnel can access it, and we keep it in accordance with our legal record keeping obligations. When we don't need it anymore, or it is unsolicited, we destroy it appropriately.
We generally will not disclose your personal information unless we have your consent, it's required by law*, or it's necessary for us to provide you with our services.
* This can include where we are of the reasonable belief that there is a serious risk to life, health or safety of you or another person. For example, if there is evidence of clear danger of harm to self- and/or others, we may be legally required to report this information to the authorities responsible for ensuring safety. This includes if there is a strong suspicion of physical or sexual abuse or emotional, or neglect or exposure to family violence of any person under 18 years of age. A court order could also require us to release information contained in records.
Sometimes we do disclose your personal information where it is necessary to obtain third-party services, like analytics, data storage, payment providers or advertising services. Some of these third parties may be overseas. We do our best to make sure the providers we use comply with privacy laws and regulations.
You can opt-out of the collection and use of this information by changing your privacy settings or opting out.